Smoked Pork Ghost Chili con Carne

002Having ended up with Chopped Pork instead of Pulled Pork at my last attempt I decided to chop the leftovers up into cubes and make a chilli –
2 Onions chopped
2 Cloves Garlic minced
Big Lump of leftover Smoked Pork cubed (3/4s of a smoked shoulder 1KG)
Heaped tsp Chipotle Paste
1 Dried Ghost Chili soaked and chopped
1 Tin of Black Beans (Could have taken two)
2 Bell Peppers chopped
1 Large Jar of Passata or 2 Tins of Chopped Tomatoes
– Fry onions and garlic off in some oil til softened
– Add peppers, chipotle paste and Ghost Chili and fry for a few mins
– Add everything else and simmer for 10 mins
And thats it, great use for the leftovers, great smokey taste throughout and the single ghost chilli provided a perfect amount of fruity heat –

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