Haggis Explosion

Having seen the Bacon Explosion over at BBQ Addicts I was keen to give it a go myself.  Decided to give it a Scottish twist and use Haggis instead of sausage meat.  First off I made the bacon weave and seasoned it with BBQ Rub –

Next up was the haggis, I used a big caterers haggis “bung” by Macsweens (only need a 1/3rd of it) –
Uncooked its not very pliable so i added a little warm water and mixed it up a bit –
Then formed it into a square shape to match the bacon weave –
Next up was to fry us some more bacon until crisp –
This then goes on top of the haggis along with some Whisky infused BBQ sauce –
Now its time to wrap the haggis in bacon –
Ready to be smoked! –
Now is time to smoke in the BBQ,  I smoked it for 2 hours indirect at 300 Fahrenheit with chunks of Hickory wood –
Off the Grill and looking good –
Gave it a basting of BBQ sauce on the outside and a quick sear on the grill to caramelize then it was ready to carve –
Loved it!  Will be doing this again.

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